AEGIC is helping flour millers in South East Asia calculate the true value of Australian wheat.
AEGIC Interim CEO Ken Quail said choosing high quality Australian wheat can often result in significant cost savings for millers in Asian markets – even though it may sometimes be more expensive per tonne.
“AEGIC has developed a practical information package that clearly demonstrates how to calculate the true value of wheat lots, taking into account things like screenings, the cost of cleaning the wheat, moisture conditioning, and flour extraction rate,” Dr Quail said.
“AEGIC takes the approach of calculating the cost of producing one tonne of flour, and refers to this as the “true cost” when referring to the wheat price.
“AEGIC’s data clearly shows that cheaper wheat can sometimes end up being significantly more expensive in the long run. Often, the higher quality of Australian wheat, with its low moisture content and high flour yield, results in better value overall.”
AEGIC’s milling experts are taking this information to millers in markets such as Vietnam and Indonesia via webinars.
“Ensuring Australian wheat quality is maintained and improved, as well as looking after Australia’s grain customers with practical, technical support, helps maintain Australian wheat as a preferred choice for millers,” Dr Quail said.
More information
Media contact
Keir Tunbridge
0409 991 817
AEGIC is an investment of Australian grain growers and the Australian Government through the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC), and the Western Australian Government through the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD).