Australian grains
A resource for Indonesia
Australian grains
A resource for Indonesia

Welcome to the Australian grains Indonesia portal.

The purpose of this portal is to provide you with useful information to help you maximise value when using Australian grains for animal feed and high-quality food products.

A variety of brochures, publications, videos, and training resources are available via the menus above. All the publications have been translated into Bahasa Indonesia for your convenience.

We hope this information is valuable to you.


Australian grains are highly valued as a nutritious part of animal feed diets, and for their excellent performance across a wide range of food products, including noodles, breads, cakes and malt products.


Australian grains are a proven, reliable and high-quality option for animal feed diets. This page contains information about the benefits of Australian feed grains, and how to use them to maximise value.


Australian grains are highly valued for their excellent performance across a wide range of high-quality food products, including noodles, breads, cakes and malt products.

Training and support

The Australian grains industry is committed to helping customers of Australian grain optimise the value of Australian grain by providing technical support and information.