28 – Horizons Interview Series #1 – David Hughes – ArgenTrigo (Part 1)

26 March, 2019

This week we bring you the first edition of Horizon’s Interview Series video blogs, where we interview overseas visitors and other subject matter experts, to provide fresh perspectives on some of the topics we think our readers will have a keen interest in.

Recently, AEGIC hosted a visit by Mr David Hughes, an Argentinian farmer and president of ArgenTrigo  (Argentina’s peak wheat industry association).  David visited Australia to speak at an AEGIC forum, outlining the nature of grain farming in Argentina and explaining the factors behind the impressive growth in Argentina’s production and export of wheat over the past five years.

During his brief stay, David was kind enough to sit down with AEGIC Chief Economist Professor Ross Kingwell for a fascinating and wide-ranging discussion.  There was so much interesting information in their discussion that we have decided to release in several parts, rather than leaving something valuable on the cutting room floor.  Parts 2 & 3 will be interspersed with other upcoming blogs over the next couple of months.

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