by Professor Ross Kingwell - AEGIC Chief Economist. Perth is closer to Bali than to Melbourne or Sydney. Although geographically very...
24 – The times are a changin’
Paul Meibusch, Managing Director - Colere Group Dr Jorge Mayer, Principal Associate - Colere Group Dr Richard Williams, Senior...
23 – What is the grains industry’s value proposition for local households?
Our recent blogs referred to Indonesian households and how urbanisation is affecting Indonesia’s demand for grain and what that might...
Growers gain good grasp of grain quality on National Agriculture Day
See also: GrainGrowers media release A group of grain growers gained a good grasp of the importance of wheat quality for noodles and...
Argentina’s grains industry: implications for Australia
Argentina’s wheat exports are set to double over the next decade, potentially challenging Australia’s competitiveness in key markets,...
22 – Indonesia’s growing prosperity – a good news story for Australian wheat exports
Across large swathes of Australia’s grain-growing country, growers are unlikely to look back upon the 2018/19 season with any...
Australia’s grain supply chains: costs, risks and opportunities
Australia needs to continue to reform its export grain supply chains to remain competitive in an increasingly challenging global...
21 – Urbanisation will continue to underpin Indonesia’s growing hunger for functional, high-quality wheat
"Urbanization brings major changes in demand for agricultural products both from increases in urban populations and from changes in...
20 – medium-term Export growth prospects for Australian wheat
by Professor Ross Kingwell - AEGIC Chief Economist. If we look beyond the 2018 season, which has been incredibly challenging for many...